Sunday 4 November 2007

Advantages of Triz

TRIZ is a popular problem solving process. It is based on universal principles of invention that are the basis for innovations. TRIZ is widely used today to improve products, services, and systems. It greatly reduces the time to produce breakthrough ideas and inventions.

Advantages of TRIZ
Achievement of inventive design depends on how fast the needed knowledge can be found. TRIZ can help us to organize the fast search for required knowledge. TRIZ can give a systematic access to the previous experience of many generations of inventors. In some cases, it might be clear what function is needed but unclear what physical principle can be used to deliver the function. To organize and guide the search for proper physical principles, TRIZ pointers to natural phenomena and effects are used. All design products evolve over the time according to the same domain-independent trends. These trends are used for effective problem solving as well as for forecasting the further evolution of a specific design product. TRIZ does not replace human creativity. TRIZ restructures the thinking process of a designer and provides fast access to the needed knowledge, but it does not solve problems independently of the designer. No previous inventor's skills are needed to effectively solve new inventive problems.

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